2 Gibbs’ free energy


Show Learning Materials

Oxford Textbook Pages : 365 - 369

CGP Revision Guide Pages : 150 - 151


Show Specification Ref : 5.2.2d, 5.2.2e, 5.2.2f

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Question 1 / 2

AQA Jun 2011 Paper 5 Q2 do not write outside the box a when potassium nitrate kno dissolves in water the value of the enthalpy change h kj mol and the value of the entropy change s j k mol write an equation including state symbols for the process that occurs when potassium nitrate dissolves in water mark b suggest why the entropy change for this process is positive mark c calculate the temperature at which the free energy change g for this process is zero marks d i deduce what happens to the value of g when potassium nitrate dissolves in water at a temperature lower than your answer to part c mark d ii what does this new value of g suggest about the dissolving of potassium nitrate at this lower temperature mark turn over wmp jun chem
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Question 2 / 2

AQA Jun 2012 Paper 5 Q2 do not write outside the box the following equation shows the formation of ammonia n g h g nh g the graph shows how the free energy change for this reaction varies with temperature above k g kj mol t k a write an equation to show the relationship between g h and s mark b use the graph to calculate a value for the slope gradient of the line give the units of this slope and the symbol for the thermodynamic quantity that this slope represents value of the slope units symbol marks wmp jun chem do not write outside the box c explain the significance for this reaction of temperatures below the temperature value where the line crosses the temperature axis marks d the line is not drawn below a temperature of k because its slope gradient changes at this point suggest what happens to the ammonia at k that causes the slope of the line to change mark turn over for the next question turn over wmp jun chem
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